Share Your Gift Of Music

KOOZAK is a cross border community which helps musicians share their gift of music. we facilitate learning music online and helps music enthusiasts to expand their music knowledge. Also, we facilitate music instructors’ connection with eager students from around the globe to transfer their music knowledge. besides we wish to connect musicians around the world to create bands and help bands to rehears online regardless of where they are located.

The Company is a startup founded by Kyoomars and Kian. Kyoomars is a full stack developer and a marketer with degrees in MBA and Software engineering. Kian has degrees in Graphic Design and Sound Engineer and is currently working as Music Producer. both founders are passionate about the project as they are active in music atmosphere and already felt the gap in the market and believe educational music industry needs this upgrade. They both wish to unite the world through music.

Find out more on Koozak Services & Features .

Mission Statement

To help more people share their gift of music with the world.

Vision Statement

To create equal opportunity for music enthusiasts around the world to follow their dreams.

How Koozak Works

KOOZAK is a live ecosystem of music enthusiasts, regardless of the role you consider for yourself in music world, you always need others whether to expand your music borders or to share your gift of music with. This fact highlights the importance of connections. KOOZAK is here to help.

As an online musicians' community with Free membership, KOOZAK provides vast opportunities for Music learners and Instructors to develop their circle of friends and connections in music world globally.

By KOOZAK music learners have access to many musicians' portfolios globally to decide on what they wish to learn Regardless of Cumbersome curriculums.

This means music learners may create their own curriculums based on the weakness they diagnose. Though current ways of learning are always available as a choice in KOOZAK.

Music instructors in KOOZAK can share their gift of music to people from around the globe. Gaining benefit from the large community of KOOZAK’s members.

But Education is not the only definition of KOOZAK. This community is developed to make music education more fun. Online Jamming is one of the unique services KOOZAK provides for users, people may enjoy do rehearsal online, it is defiantly more fun than it sounds. We also provide more services like Instruments Swap Meet, Instruments’ Store Locator and Music projects.