How it started

The idea occurred to our mind 1 month after Covid-19 lockdown started . We were stock at home trying to figure out how to handle our duties by Teleworking .
even without talking to each other, we both had common worries: Will there be any cure? What if this pandemic stays long ? What will happen to the world we knew? what if finding a cure for Corona takes longer than the world expected? Even if the vaccine comes handy, are people going to feel the same about close contacts?

One year before lockdown, a friend of us, a successful piano teacher, had to relocate to a foreign country and therefore she was unable to continue teaching her students and while the students still had the passion to learn from her, she lost a large portion of her income. (Both side loss)
Having her story in our mind, we started a conversation about the pandemic impact on less face-to-face communications and therefore less social activates which probably led for less income for both of us. Then we started to figure out how to avoids the impact or at least make it slow.

We figured out several answers. Trying to evaluate the situation, we found out we need to keep connected to people by any possible means. Maybe already there would be an app out there. We searched the net and app stores but couldn’t find any. We wondered why?!!

The app could change the world. Why not helping all the musician of the world to be connected without border’s limitations? Then we remembered about the Gandy’s famous quote: " Be The Change You Wish To See In The World ". There it was an impact, we needed to create a musician community.

The Name " KOOZAK "

To turn the idea into reality, we need a name, so we did a brainstorm, trying to find a meaningful and satisfying name, first we started with abbreviation and phrases. " MOC " was the first name we chose.
Abbreviation of "Musician Online Community", very satisfying till we googled it, the results were disappointing. not only the results were not related to music but reflect bad impression. So, we t substitute the word " Community " with "Group" or "Society”, the result was MOS and MOG, which we faced the same issue when we googled them.
After a while we were disappointed by finding a proper abbreviation, how about getting help from the internet? We search about “how others name their app” or “proper names for an application” or “music related app names” and …. We continued reading the tips and following steps mentioned on the net for several hours.

Finding a proper name is always a long and time-consuming activity and we both knew it.

Finally, the idea was choosing a name which emphasize on the Application existential philosophy itself. The App is supposed to connect musicians and music lovers around the globe, helping them share their music or even their local instruments. This may prevent local instruments from extinct by attracting more people to play, so why not emphasize on these matters by choosing a forgotten music instrument name.

KOOZAK is the name of a primitive and rare instrument originally from south and southeast parts of IRAN. Made of Pottery, it’s a percussion instrument which is played directly by fingers kicks. It has different shapes and different styles of playing depending on the area used.

KOOZAK player

A Musician Playing Koozak Instrument