Music gives soul to universe,
wings to the mind, flight
to the imagination.

Koozak as a social media platform designed exclusively for musicians and students. the platform wish to connect music like-minded individuals around the world, enabling them to explore new interests, engage in conversations with peers, and build a network of supportive relationships.


Attend a class or Teach online at your convenience from anywhere you are.

Commission Free

Membership is Free, we collect no commission from tutor-students mutual payments.

Lots of Services

Music educational facilities, music projects facilities, stores and events locator services, jamming services, swap meet, ...

Built in Tools

Split screens, file sharing, messaging , camera zoom-tools makes class's interaction "better than live" in koozak - No Need Of Third Party Apps.

Record Classes

Take your time to review your classes or watchthem as many times as you'd like - focus on teacher's valuable tips or figure out a special moment in a class.

What is Koozak?

You are welcome to join.

Maz Describes how koozak helped him find musician to jam along while living in a new country

Nasim explains how KOOZAK helped her to keep teaching her students and have a steady income while she lives in a new country.

KOOZAK Greetings in Persian

Using third party apps for teaching music is always a headache, Sj is a drummer, he finds Koozak useful.

Teachers may host virtual classes.
Students may learn from experienced professionals.

Personalized content and interest-based
communities creates a space where musicians
and students thrive and grow together.


Chance of Colaborating and Find Musicians Globally is What Hesam Believes as an Advantage of KOOZAK.

Farshad talks about the potential, KOOZAK has in connecting sound engineers to the records studios around the world.